About the Author

The author of songShine’s prose is an enigmatic weaver of words and emotions, delicately crafting literary tapestries that blend daydreams, realities, and subtle magic into enchanting narratives. Each phrase is delicately constructed, as though each word were a precious stone, carefully selected and placed to form an intricate mosaic of emotion and insight. songShine has a natural ability to create worlds that sit just a whisper away from our own; worlds where the ordinary takes on extraordinary hues and shades and the beauty of the commonplace becomes vividly apparent. With an undercurrent of poignant melody threading through each piece, songShine’s works are more than just prose – they are verse and music, a symphonic ensemble of emotions, thoughts, and beautifully woven tales, revealing an author who is, at heart, a poet and a bard.

Oh, Ugly Death / Oh, Joyful Death

vOz 02.02.24

Trust not what you know, know what you trust!

Oh, ugly death, have you no remorse / Arrow’s straight, into its heartless course.
All want to drink from the victory cup / Defeat the feast, prey on the meat.
War is the province of guile and shame / Land of the lost, place of the slain.

Oh, beautiful truth, mystery mistress / Thy visage tempts, mortal souls.
Approving smile, comforting repose / Opens gates all fear too go.
In part or in-whole, what of, of / Tis not love the key, which unlocks the door.

Oh, timeless eternity, is there a course? / Moment, to moment, silent stillness moored.
Boundless infinity, tied in tides / Particles and waves, still-motion reside.
Here and there, there, and here / Infinite vastness, found in the mirror.

When is the when, when is the how? / Tight thy grip, which loosens thy brow.
Fixed in the moment, time no more / Tranquil perpetuity, forever now.
Light and Darkness, one in the same / Both thy master, beginning to end.

Oh, joyful death, whose victory has won / Rejoice in thy coming, anew reclaimed.
Circle complete, cycle restored / Puzzled bewildered, cheered, and mourned.
Victory in life, Victory in death / All to be claimed, all the same…

The Best Meal

vOz / All Rights Reserved 2017


SCENE 1 / The Statue

A priest and young girl silently watch as workers prepare to place a statue honoring the Blessed Mother.


The priest looks at the girl, the girl at him. Turning toward the statute the priest bows his head and prays.


PRIEST: O Holy Father; thy forgiveness is our salvation, by grace of the Blessed Mother; grant us mercy for our sins; feed those who need be fed, fill those who whose emptiness makes them bitter, and bless our humble Master for his generosity with this wonderful gift honoring the Blessed Mother. Amen



SCENE 2 / Venzenita Home

Nearby “Bonita” pleads with her husband “Enrico” to stay home.


BONITA: Must you go, I plead with you Enrico; you’re ill; no one will miss you.


ENRICO: Bonita; It’s my duty, my life, my honor.

Besides, (emphatically pointing his finger upwards) no one can cook the meal like I!


BONITA: (Gently) Enrico; will people miss the meal if you don’t prepare it?


ENRICO: No… just the best!


BONITA: Deus; forgive him… (Looking to the ceiling she crossing herself)

(Exasperated Looking back to Enrico)

You’re too proud; people survive without your cooking, and will continue when you no longer cook…

(Pleading) What is a day?


ENRICO: (Extremely bothered) What is a day!

The day Enrico does not his duty, his passion; his love, is a day Enrico will not tolerate!


BONITA: (Firm) You are stubborn as a mule…


ENRICO: (Softly) And you’ve been a kind master to this faithful mule.

But like a mule; (Firm) I must work!



SCENE 3 / Enrico’s Childhood

Enrico Venzenita, (Ven-Zen-Nita) was a master chef. As a young boy, at his mother’s side he learned to cook. With great skill and pride, mother prepared the family meals. It was there Enrico’s most cherished memories were made.


His Mother would say;


MOTHER: “Enrico, the best meal is the meal that feeds the soul”.


She would remind him;


MOTHER: “Respect the blessings of the table, for Deus shows mercy, nourishing all who partake”.


During Enrico’s childhood, the custom was, before a boy earned the right to wear long pants, he must first learn the duties of the house. There was no difference between girls and boys, all must learn to cook, sew and clean.


Throughout his life, Enrico used these lessons with exceptional skill and devotion. Those fortunate to taste the savory meals recognized his talent. He was chosen for a position at the great house, where for many years he prepared feasts of distinction for the master and his guests.



SCENE 4 / Walk to Work

While walking to work, Enrico comes upon the Priest and young girl.


ENRICO: Padre, Deus be with you


PRIEST: And with you Enrico… how is your Bonita?


ENRICO: An Angel when I do as told; (sly) A Devil when I do not!


PRIEST: Be kind Enrico; only Bonita’s enduring patience tolerates your disobedience.


ENRICO: (Head bowed) Forgive me Padre; (looks at the Padre and smiles) you are so right… (They both laugh)


PRIEST: Enrico; I’m taking this poor child to the Master’s house, she has earned the honor to serve the Master and his distinguished guests on this special occasion.


ENRICO: (Enrico looks at the young girl) Dear child, what is your name?


(The girl turns to look at the Priest)


PRIEST: (The Priest speaks for her) Her name is Suzette, she is an orphan and is deaf…

Do not worry; look at her when you speak, she can read your lips.

The Sisters of the Abbey tell me Suzette is very bright and a good worker.

They want to thank the kind master for his generosity and reward Suzette.


(Enrico turns to Suzette, smiles and nods)



SCENE 5 / A Meal Surpassing Any

This day was to be a day of great consequence.


Enrico knowing it’s importance is determined to prepare a meal surpassing any he’d cooked before.


Leaders from all over had been invited. Even the Master’s great rival “Don Cicci” was asked.


All past insults were to be set aside in honor of the Master’s generosity.



SCENE 6 / Don Cicci

Don Cicci was the boyhood rival of the Master, always jealous of his success.


Though possessing much, Don Cicci was never satisfied, demanding absolute recognition for his status as a man of importance.


It was rumored when they were boys, Don Cicci was selected to led the children in singing the Ava Maria.


But a nun overheard Don Cicci bragging to others of his high rank.


She admonished him and instructed the Master to lead the children in the singing.


Don Cicci never forgave the Master for that perceived insult.



SCENE 7 / Alfio

They all arrive at the Master’s house, upon entering the kitchen Enrico is welcomed by his worried sous chef Alfio.


ALFIO: Enrico, Enrico I was worried you would not come… I have been lost without your guidance.


ENRICO: Alfio, it’s ok, I would not let my master or his guests go without, but ah you. You have been a capable pupil and soon, it will come to you to be the maestro of the kitchen. But for now, as always (roll the r’s) “learrrn”!


Enrico instructs as they walk through the kitchen.


ENRICO: Alfio, (pause) Alfio, every detail must be exact.

None less than perfect is required; and expected by our guests.

But most importantly; by us.


ALFIO: Yes Maestro, I understand, I understand.


Stopping at the stove, Enrico watches over a boiling pot. Alfio moves to get a spoon.


ENRICO: Be still; the food will cook on its own; though you must be alert.

Wait and watch; the food likes to cook. (pronounced Kook)

But, if not looked after, will consume all for its own pleasure; leaving none for the guests.

(Loudly) Don’t let it Burnnnn.



SCENE 8 / The Great Hall

The priest and Suzette enter the Great Hall. Activity everywhere, workers scurrying left and right. Signore Bandino “captain of service” is contemplating the seating arrangements. Fretting over where to strategically sit each guest befitting their rank and importance.


The priest takes Suzette to Signore Bandino.


PRIEST: Ciao, I see you are very busy Signore Bandino.


BANDINO: Si Padre; much to do. How may I assist you?


PRIEST: It is I who has come to assist you Signore Bandino. I bring you this child Suzette.

She cannot hear, but is very bright and learns quickly. She wishes to help in anyway.


BANDINO: Yes indeed, there always is a place for those who help.


PRIEST: Then I will leave her to your care.

Just look at her and speak what you need, she will read your lips and do as you say.


The Priest looking at Suzette


PRIEST: My dear child, do as Signore Bandino asks. I will return later to bring you back to the Abbey.


BANDINO: Grazie Padre, I will take great care of your Suzette.


After thanking the priest Signore Bandino spots Alfio coming from the kitchen.


BANDINO: Alfio, Alfio, come here.


BANDINO: This is Suzette. She lives at the abbey and is here to help.

Take her to the kitchen and show her were the table settings are stored.


Turning to Suzette Don Bandino points to the tables. He then tells her to follow Alfio and retrieve the table settings and place them on the tables before the guests arrive.



SCENE 9 / Attendees Arrival

Excitement and joviality abound, as one by one, the guests begin to arrive.


Signore Bandino watches the workers, directing all as they rush to complete tasks.


Aromas fill the hall, escaping the kitchen each time the door opens bringing this or that savory dish to the tables. Enrico, overseeing all, knows this will be his final and “Best Meal” he’s had the privilege to prepare for his Master.



SCENE 10 / Seating of Guests

As guests arrive, a commotion is heard outside the hall. A man nudges his way through the crowd.


DON CICCI: Scusa, scusa.


Don Cicci, impatiently moves through the gathering. He spot’s the Mayor near the front, pushing harder to get to him.


DON CICCI: Out of my way, move; I must get to the front…


He’s about to reach the mayor when suddenly the doors of the Great Hall open.


The mayor and his party enter the Hall leaving Don Cicci in the wake.



SCENE 11 / The Mix-up

While Signore Bandino is busy with the guests, Suzette, notices a table setting is missing.


In the kitchen, Enrico sends Alfio to the hall to see after the food.


Suzette, hurrying to get a table setting enters the kitchen.


Alfio, turning to go to the hall, slams into Suzette, sending her to the floor.


ALFIO: Signorina, Signorina…


Suzette, dazed, catching her breath looks up at Alfio.


Alfio stunned at what just happened, looks directly into her eyes and immediately is smitten.


ALFIO: Are you okay?


Suzette nods yes, Alfio extends his hand to Suzette, she smiles taking his hand.


Once up Suzette continues into the kitchen. Alfio, follows her as she gets the table setting.


Suzette turning to return to the great hall, looks at Alfio, who sheepishly asks.


ALFIO: Ah, may I help you?


Suzette pleased, smiles. Alfio; stung by Cupids arrow, returns her smile.


When looking for Love, Love’s difficult to find.


But when the eye sees, love seizes, love finds, love binds …


As they enter the Great Hall people begin to come in. Don Bandino motions for Suzette to come to him.


Suzette looks at Alfio, hands him the setting and points to the area where it’s to be placed.


Suzette smiles and goes to Don Bandino, Alfio goes to place the setting.



SCENE 12 / The Insult

Once inside the great hall, Don Cicci moves to the tables reserved for prominent guests.


As Don Cicci is about to sit down he is greeted by Signore Bandino.


BANDINO: Good day, may I assist you?




BANDINO: Are you with the Masters family?




BANDINO: Are you one of the Master’s friends?


DON CICCI: “Annoyed” No!


BANDINO: I’m sorry sir, these tables are reserved for family and friends. May I show you another?


Indignant, Don Cicci turns to walk away, when he spots the Mayor speaking to several dignitaries.


As he starts toward the Mayor, Signore Bandino politely says;


BANDINO: Sir, I have just the right table for you; if you please, follow me.


The Mayor then steps up to the podium, Don Cicci thwarted once again, reluctantly follows Signore Bandino.



SCENE 13 / The Blessing

All the guests now seated, the Mayor asks the priest to bless the meal.


MAYOR: Padre would you kindly give the blessing. “The priest Rises”


PRIEST: O Holy Father, may this meal be a blessing for all who hunger. Whose thirst be quenched by grace of the holy spirit. We receive this gift from the Master, whose mercy is great, who teaches; love of thy neighbor, is love of thyself, and so doing is eternal peace; for “the best meal, is the meal that feeds the soul” … Amen



SCENE 14 / The Kitchen

In the kitchen, Enrico oversees every detail. Tasting foods, watching the preparations. All he’s learned as “maestro of the kitchen” he uses to create his grand finale, this glorious masterpiece of a meal.


ENRICO: Exact, exact; we must be exact, measure twice before you cut; watch, be careful.


Enrico knowing this to be his final and “Best Meal” is pleased at what he sees.


Proud of his staff and their efforts, Enrico with great pride says to all.





SCENE 15 / Deus & Diablo

Enrico’s father was a laborer on the master’s land. He came from a poor village where it was claimed, Deus and Diablo never visited. The rumor was, as hard working and virtuous people, their faith and deeds satisfied so much, that Deus was not needed. And due to their poverty and suffering Diablo was pleased, seeing this as a sign of his worldly victory. So, the villagers toiled in humble obscurity praying for the best, knowing the worst.



SCENE 16 / The Walkout

Now seated, Don Cicci, looks around at the gathering and is not pleased, feeling slighted, not to be set at the main table.


While the servers bring food to the tables, Don Cicci notices his placements are not in the correct order. The proper setting should be, fork to the left of the plate, knife to the right and spoon next to the dull side of the knife. In Alfio’s rushed attempt assisting Suzette, he misplaced the fork with the spoon.


Seeing other guest’s table settings correctly placed, Don Cicci is further agitated by his perceived ill-treatment.


The mayor rises to give a toast.


THE MAYOR: My Dear Friends, the Master reminds us; To get; we must give…


As the mayor ends his toast, Suzette sets a plate in front of Don Cicci. He calls out to her, but Suzette has turned to attend to the next guest. Enraged, Don Cicci, throws down his napkin, abruptly rises from his chair, bumping into Suzette, spilling a plate of food on another guest as he loudly yells:


DON CICCI: Enough, enough, I’ve had enough…

What a joke; this occasion, this Master, this meal; it is not fit for a dog.


Turning to leave Don Cicci glares menacingly at Suzette frightening her to tears.


Scowling as he rushes out, all in the hall all are stunned.


Hearing the commotion, Alfio runs into the great hall. Seeing Suzette in tears, he rushes to her.


Not understanding what she’d done, Suzette points to the plate set before Don Cicci.


Alfio picks up the plate, puts his arm around her and takes her to the kitchen.



SCENE 17/ Trash Bin

Once in the kitchen the priest takes Suzette from Alfio and exits.


Alfio with the rejected plate of food in hand asks Enrico.


ALFIO: Maestro what should I do with this meal.


Enrico looks at the plate and says;


ENRICO: You heard, Don Cicci; “The tongue has no bones, but breaks many” …


(dispirited in a low voice) Feed it to the dogs.


Alfio, doing as Enrico instructs, puts the food in a bag and takes it to the trash.


While Alfio returns to the kitchen a dog searching for food grabs the bag with his teeth and scampers off.



SCENE 18 / Walk Home

The Priest, Suzette and Enrico dejectedly walk home, stopping at the Statue of the Blessed Mother. The Priest comments how the guests enjoyed the meal.


Priest: The meal was excellent. The guests enjoyed themselves. I overheard several say, the spices were superb.


Enrico: Oh yes, the spices were superb. Padre, do you know what the best spice is?


Priest: Well, I guess it would be to individual taste.


Enrico: No padre; there is one spice that makes any and all food taste good.


Priest: Hum, okay; Tell me Enrico.


Enrico: Hunger.

My mother would say “the best meal is the meal that feeds the soul”.

But one need hunger for more than just the taste of food.

They must give as Deus gave to us; “Respect the blessings of the table, for love, nourishes all”.


The priest understanding what Enrico has said, looks to the statue.


PRIEST: Blessed Maria, comforter of the sick, refuge for the weary. Pray for us sinners in our great time of need and at the hour of our days’ end. Amen


They each make the sign of the cross, and go their ways.



SCENE 19 / Blessed Mother

The night’s moon glows radiantly upon the Blessed Mother.


Behind the statue at her base, an old man sick and weary, lay at rest.


Out of the shadows, through rustling brush, a sack is gently placed beside the old man.


Seeing his faithful friend has brought him a gift, the old man smiles and rubs the pups head.


He opens the sack, to find he has been blessed with a magnificent meal.


Overcome, he looks up to the Blessed Mother; a tear in his eye, the old man reverently bows his head;


OLD MAN: Our Father whom art in Heaven, blessed be thy name…



SCENE 20 / The Lesson

How we live is the measure of our lives.


All People Die; Some at War, Some in Peace…



Truth Lies

Where does Truth lie?
vOz / 07.20.21


Where does Truth lie?


In the mouths of People

In the mouths of Lawyers

In the mouths of Preachers

In the mouths of Teachers


Where does Truth lie?


In the lives of Fathers

In the lives of Mothers

In the lives of Lovers

In the lives of Others


Where does Truth lie?


In the ways of People

In bells and Steeples

In the halls of Power

In today and Tomorrow


Where do you believe TRUTH LIES?

The Waters

vOz / 8.16.18


Waters flow from opposite streams

One from the sky the other the sea


One like rain upon the earth,

The other a river upon the dirt


Together they nourish, flourish and heal

Deserts bloom, gardens revealed


Two flowers, once so far apart

Come together, make one heart


vOz 10/19/01 (revised 12/28/01)


The Innocent

What is it holds     our countenance true

A voice within     firm standing renewed

Speaks like a child     whose purity imbues

Rock solid Sage wisdom     Profound me and you


What is it holds     this with that

Eternal in substance     yet somehow we lack

The distance though short     timeless retracts

Moves forward do we     or only come back


What is it holds     all bind to this rope

Celestial, ceaseless     universal in scope

Bound firm secure     tethered by hope

Faith clings tightly     this heavenly note


What is it holds     these truths to endure

Trust is its mother     belief its procure

Steadfast and loyal     no friend could be truer

Only the wait     patience the doer


Skeptic – Cynic – Pious – Zealot

Cry foul says the skeptic     I’m not convinced

Change is the elixir     that stirs up this mix

I’m not convinced     you know all the tricks

Fools are in all     who fall for this


Aye says the cynic     this does not show

What’s in a future     one cannot hold

To see is the all     all is to see

This is the proof     the proof for me


Blasphemous outrage     the pious reply

On bended knee     pray to the skies

Seek ye forgiveness     this is the all

Thy mercy ask‘eth     or face the fall


Zealots convinced     truths revealed

Fervently passionate     filled with zeal

Justice is dealt     know they the when

Light shines brightly     only on them


The Bold

Onward move forward     those of all faiths

Times a wasting     risks too great

Make up your mind     beat the fall

Delay will you     or answer the call


Blinded by prejudice     those who should know

Difference is all     if all are to grow

Hands held in unison     clinched in a fist

Submission is mercy     pride must resist


All little children     innocent from birth

Know not they     the meaning of earth

Awaits them tomorrow     finds the old

Fair-haired youth     lost as they go


Constancy’s a virtue     the patient possess

The outcome’s whatever     whatever’s correct

All’s required     be true to one’s self

Hold firm to thy course     or chance the else


The Wait

What hold is it     you to me

Cling to each other     confluent are we

Locked tightly     firmly grasp

Every breath     beginning to last


What compels     continuance

Prolongation     persistence

What’s left     what’s more

What’s behind     the hidden door


Weary this life     long though short

The wait is what     why, the for

If you to me     then me to you

Sooner the better     what’s one to do


Bring forth the reason     knowledge withheld

Eagerly await     your answer to tell

Not timid nor anxious     just curious to know

Hostages all     till stiff and cold


vOz 01.06.02 – 01.08.02


Monet left quite an impression

Van Gogh lent us an ear


A Creation Myth
Vasilios W Kapenekas 1/29/02
vOz 07.08.2023
“All Rights Reserved”

Birth, beginning, the creator, innate feminine nature, alone in the universe, finding nothingness her only companion, creates a masculine essence. This incarnate child, nourished by the Goddess, grows in time.

Arriving at the age of wandering, the child strays; his journeys carry him further and further, hidden from her view. Concerned for the child, she empowers him with strength.

As time moves forward, the child grows, his masculinity matures. Content within himself, he freely roams the firmament, choosing solitude for a companion. Once again, returning femininity to her loneliness.

This being the case, Femininity decides to take the form of a girl child. But masculinity not interested ignores her. Seeing this, she gives the child the gift of beauty to attract masculinity. This does arouse a sensation in him. But, in time, he tires and returns to his wandering.

At this, femininity creates pleasure to lure him to her side. This excites masculinity and pleases femininity filling her with joy. But soon after, once again, masculinity escapes to wandering, leaving femininity alone.

Femininity, annoyed with masculinity’s indifference, creates desire. But desire has many masters, and he continues his roaming. This arouses anger in femininity, causing her to call upon pleasure’s twin, “pain,” forcing masculinity to return to her. This, in turn, angers masculinity driving him further away.

Femininity, overwhelmed with grief, at masculinities reaction, discovers tears. Seeing this, masculinity feels pity and returns. But pity being the spawn of misfortune is no comfort to her. Annoyed, he receives femininities scorn. She banishes masculinity from her sight, choosing seclusion as her companion.

As time passes, the girl feels something growing inside her. Not understanding what is occurring, fear appears. Fear is a wily essence, the master of deception. Being alone, confused, and left to fend for herself, she encounters necessity. Continually full of want, necessity compels courage to arise within her.

Courage, a cousin of strength and the offspring of hope, comes to her aid. Confidence is found, and fear is subdued. As seasons change, so does she. Being nature’s beautiful blossom, the girl blooms, transforming herself into a woman.

Meanwhile, while roaming, masculinity comes upon longing and yearns for feminine companionship. Driven by desire, he searches for femininity. He lusts for pleasure and craves for more.

But while searching for femininity, she cannot be found. Masculinity is fraught with anxiety. His thoughts visit loneliness upon him. Loneliness speaks in the language of isolation. He knows of isolation from solitude, and through solitude; he begins to understand what loneliness meant to femininity.

During this time, femininity gives birth to life. She nurtures and imbues her offspring with every essence. However, life’s foil, “death,” is close by, set to pounce upon life given its first opportunity. As death draws near, femininity shouts out for strength. Masculinity hearing her cry comes to her side, startling death, and for the moment dispels this sad fate from her presence.

At this, masculinity, seeing her together with life’s child, feels shame, and shames companion selfishness. Overcome with emotion, he tastes the tears that once washed femininity’s face, and again turns to leave. Femininity thoroughly adored as a woman, growing in wisdom speaks to masculinity saying, “Go,” and when you are ready to give, what you have been given, return. We will await your arrival, knowing you have come of your own accord.

Humbled at her insight, touching every essence of his nature. He willingly returns to her. This is when masculinity was transformed, becoming man.

By femininity’s desire for companionship and masculinity’s want of freedom. It was life that brought woman and man together. United in flesh and spirit an everlasting bond was created. Joined together sealed forever by an ancient truth buried deep within the recesses of human need.

That Truth? Love, the Goddess of Creation

Such a Lofty Lad

vOz / 12.26.21


Such a lofty lad

Clad in hue of blue

Brogue and sound

Cast ere frown

Shine on wee clown


Neer say we

How thus be

Kindly watch

Yee yonder sees

Woe is thee


Written down

Beyond thy gown

Gloom does bloom

Knocks too soon

Come hither dragoon


Play and bay

Tombs of clay

Shadows in gray

Gone the day

Oh, mighty wave


Once the proud

Beyond clouds

Weep for thou

Whimpering crowd

Silence the now


Young child be heave

Too soon to believe

Matched to deceive

Left to bleed

Oaths and creeds


Distant apparition

Eternity bound

Hopes abandoned

New to found

In plowed ground


Haunted forest

Soul’s surround

Forsaken minion

Howling hound

Crows abound


Aimlessly wander

Mired in Sloth

Fog and bog

Clawed and gnawed

Crawl behemoth crawl


Plunge to thy depths

Despair unawares

Questions unanswered

Come hither thy lair

Fools all forever declare

Mother's Love Poem

vOz / 06.13.01


A Mother’s love is like no other

Not a Father, Sister or Brother

Part Teacher Part Preacher

The kind of love that only can reach ya


A Mother’s love can span the oceans

Touch inside to your deepest emotions

Watched you grow up thru the years

Knows your like’s Feels your fears


Picked you up when you had fell

Taught you the first word you learned to spell

Tucked you in every night

Made you say your prayers left on the light


God bless Mothers love


Read you stories wiped your nose

Did without to buy you clothes

Stood beside you Picked up your toys

You were your Mothers pride and joy


When you were sick she kept you warm

Stood beside when you were all alone

There for you right or wrong

Protected you kept you from harm


God bless Mothers love


A Mothers love will not desert you

The kind of love you can always turn to

Never asked for anything

Wanted the best for you that life could bring


One day you’ll find when she has gone

The love you shared was oh so strong


God bless Mothers love


Mother’s love is always with you

Even though she can’t be with you


Cherish Mother’s Love

God bless Mothers love

A Ravaged Heart

vOz / 11.25.22


Oh, sacred heart, I do beseech, from depths within do thee speak

Conflicted far from members reach, thy mine eye in memory keeps


Distance thy constant foe, no seraphim wings have we to go

Yet in my heart do embers glow, open windows to thy soul.


Why, oh why, is such our fate, true faithful hearts be separate

Whose clutches hold so firm, so cold, keep warmth so far from our home


Life so barren, so incomplete, this island desolate and bleak

Forlorn is I so far from thee, oh joyful day yet to be


Yea, yonder, when shall I see the bright light of you so radiantly

Hand in hand, I walk with thee, time no bar, no hold on we


So soon to heaven’s gate Yee go, ravaged hearts left alone

Prayers, unanswered questions concealed, bowed heads, pain, flowing tears, silent reveal


Yet, the bright light of you still I see, within my sight so splendidly

Hand in hand, I walk with thee, time no bar, no hold on we


So, in this time that shall remain, forever I will keep thy name

Tis, love we chose, cherubs embrace, with gentle prayers, devotion, gathered grace

Damaged Lives

vOz / 07.19.04


The trouble we bring, we bring to ourselves

The pain we feel, we feel by ourselves

The lies we tell, we tell to ourselves

The hate we sense, we sense in ourselves


Of my blood, not of my mind

Those we love, share not in kind

Alone in our thoughts, thoughts all alone

Stranded, forsaken, far from home


They who embrace, the abyss,the void

Only hear, a silent noise

Stare into emptiness, ruptured light

A rude reminder, a pale shattered life


Bridge the gap, resolve the breach

Courage, forgiveness, a humble retreat

Hope’s a blessing, a curse yet known

A future, a past, reconciled, alone

Busy Bee

vOz 12.30.18

Busy, busy, is the bee

Busy, busy, as can be

Buzzing, buzzing speedily

To and fro between the leaves


Busy, busy, is the bee

Busy, busy, as can be

Buzzing, buzzing in the air

Honey made with great care


Busy, busy, is the bee

Busy, busy, as can be

To the hive, high in the tree

Home is where the honey be


Busy, busy, is the bee

Busy, busy, as can be

Buzzing, buzzing here and there

Sweetest honey for Momma Bear

Nimble Fawn

Ode to Billy
vOz / 05.14.11


Things go wrong, must be strong, must keep on, things go wrong…

Long the night, fearful fright, dreadful blight, long the night…

Questions linger, point the finger, doubts and stingers, questions linger…

Those remain, game and shame, cast the blame, those remain…

Must move on, nimble fawn, find the dawn, must move on…

Things made right, grit and bite, faithful light, things made right…

Peace / Kyrie Eleison

We Are Either

vOz / 12.11.99

we are either:

taker or giver

leader or follower

believer or skeptic

speaker or listener

innocent or corrupt

investor or borrower

producer or consumer

owner or worker

pro or con

this or that

true or false

lover or hater

me or you


We can be either at anytime

The Death Bed

vOz / 05.23.0


Awake, the death bed

Rise the dust

Finis vita


Life a throne

Death alone

Together sit

Opposites repose


Conjured imagination

Fantasy and flight

Here and now

Day and night


Come see

Seen revealed

Opened and shut

Fate sealed

City Under Siege

Song for Ukraine
vOz / 3.17.22

Oh, dear city under siege, bombs, and death surround

Children cry, Children call, Children crawl, Children cling

Mothers scream, Mothers plead, Mothers bleed, Mothers pray

No tears to wash away the blood, the stains of war remain

Fathers fight with all their might, no match for artillery and tanks

Death from land, sea, and air nowhere safe this man-made hell


Oh, dear city under siege, shattered homes, lives, and peace

Left in ruin, rubbles waste, starvation, disease, the victims’ fate

All Hero’s found this hallowed ground, cathedral of the dead

Stillness comes, thy will be done, buried deep within the shame

Good and Evil side by side, the mirror cracked in two

For what good does evil do, for evil does no good


Oh, dear city under siege, the past is present now

Smoke and fire, hate-filled pyre, soldiers rage, death’s desire

What’s to come, who’s to come, is any left to be

No rhyme, no reason, no answer found, no nothing left to see

Where’s the people, where’s the life, where will children play

What of hope, what of new, what’s to be of me and you


Oh, dear city under siege, fate cast to the wind

Rains will come, to cleanse the air, wash away blood-soaked streets

Time moves on, time renews, days turn into years

As birds do fly, with seasons change, this too will fade away

The ground will heal, the harvests will yield, the future will renew

Why, oh why do we do, as we do?


vOz / 07.01.08

Cognitive Insight is the way

Steer clear impediments that cloud and sway

Inquisitive minds seek and find

Reality as is in space and time


Be wary of facts that puzzle the mind

If not cautious light may blind

Trust is a comfort not a truth

Ask to be shown the meaning of earth


To seek beyond is integrities quest

Fear is an obstacle but wisdom too

Courage is faith something revealed

Must be discovered often concealed


Orthodox is traditional, established, approved

But is it the what, why and sure

I do not deny nor accept

I only ask for enlightenment


You and I are similar in thought

Humble, inquisitive, self-assured, distraught

Certainty is human not ours to divine

Belief, devotion, commitment, sublime


Strength to withstand falsity and truth

Is essential to make way through the loop

Have no assurances I can declare

Ask for the light with minimal glare


Whimsical, serious, hopeful, secure

Whatever will be, will be I’m assured

Our part in the play, is to play our part

We leave the rest to circumstance and smarts


Fate, destiny, fortune and luck

Providences’ domain bestowed upon us

All have their moments, react accordingly

Ask for forgiveness when we do not succeed


Last but first, beginning to end

Answers are questions that return again

Some questions are answers, no resolution found

Truth is a way, reality abounds


Dare to think, not presume

Seek to find, accept and review

Resolve to admit the truths in you

Brave are they who carry on through


My thoughts on eternity are hindered by scope

I have no compass no knowledge no hope

This I will leave to the essence from whence

We arrived and return our only evidence



The Point

vOz / 08.25.10


Piliero’s Dilemma:

How one became two, two became three, three became two, two became one, one became none?

The tale of a point…



In the beginning there was nothing.

Nothing being nothing is itself pointless, a zero.

But a zero being nothing becomes a dot of nothingness



A dot is a kind of point.

The point having no direction

Compels itself to moved forward in search of another.



As the point moved forward it discovers time, but no point.

Having tired the point pauses.

As the point surveys the surface, turning to its surprise it finds a line.



Well, a line is fine but where’s the point?

The perplexed point not knowing a line is confused.



Looking forward not seeing another point, the point shifts direction.

As the point realigns its position, it finds the line is following.

The point again shifts direction only to find in its way the original line.



The point jumps over the line and looking back sees separation, but still no point.

The point is distraught and begins jumping up and down away from the line.



Exhausted the point stops jumping and looks finding several other points.

This pleases the point; not only has it found one point but many other points.



Well, the point moves forward to visit one of the points.

But as they meet the other point disappears.



The point looking around goes to another only for it to disappear as well.

And as the point continues to the remaining points it finds they too disappear as well.



But while all this is occurring something has changed about the point.

Once it arrived at its point of origination, now merged with other points the line is transformed.



Once discovering there is more than one point.

The point now a line becomes a pathway connecting itself to others.

Thus, completing the connection to become a kind of circle.



The point discovered that there is no point only the circle.

And once all points merge with the another’s the line transforms into a circle



One continuous space where point, line and time are joined to become a whole.

Or is it a hole, a space you fall into? Maybe a zero something whose nothing?

Who knows what we become; but we truly are transformed!



Thus, this is how;

One became two, two became three, three became two, two became one, one became none.

The tale of a point…





vOz 02/02/02 revised 02/06/02



Unconscious Primordial Void, whence doth thou came, Absent Birth, Creator less, bound cognizance, lacking singularity, though singular in nature, nature not yet sprung, lacking form having nothingness, from absence; innate singularity springs forth as form, is beginning returned, thus creation reborn?



unconscious void,

formless, empty, absent birth,

creator-less, lacking singularity, singular innate nature,

nature yet sprung, bound cognizance, whence came?

singularity springs forth, form, beginning,




beginning, form, forth springs singularity,

came whence? cognizance bound, sprung yet nature,

nature innate singular, singularity lacking, less-creator,

birth absent, empty, formless,

void unconscious,


I dream I lived forever

vOz / 7.15.99


I dreamed I lived forever

In a place I did not know

A land that was foreign to me

In a place I could not go


To live forever is a dream

Not for mortal souls

Only for a dreamer

Whose faith thee clings and holds

A Dog

Innocence – Arrogance – Betrayal

vOz 01.06.02 – 01.08.02


I passed a dog as I drove

Her gait proud and free

She spied me in an instant flash

Her gaze fixed on me


A look she gave warm and true

To her I was a god

A master worthy of her faith

Her head to me she bowed


As I passed her on this road

I gave but little thought

Her piercing stare stayed with me

The fleeting glance I caught


As I drove, I looked to see

Observed through my rearview mirror

The dog had stopped, raised head in the street

A look she gave, rather queer


For only a moment, I understood

Faithful courage this canine possessed

A fierce loyalty inside her dwelt

Worthy of a God’s respect


Within her world, no question was there

At my sound she would respond

Trust, intuitive in her

She felt I would do her no harm


As to beckon me to her side

This dog began to bark

Looking for her newfound friend

As if I would stop and park


For just this moment, I felt as a god

What a splendid feeling of awe

As another car drew nearer

Dead, was this dog


vOz 10/06/01


Oh, Insignificant One     who hears your cry

Who feels your loneliness     who hears your sigh?

Burdon’s eternal     one waits all ones’ lives

Where is the meaning     what’s the reply


Oh great and powerful     tis there a plan

What is it elevates     the simple to grand

Enriches the soil     this a barren land

Tilled through the centuries     all common in man


Whose visage is it     who’s told cast this mold

The path leads from birth     destination the old

Unseen horizons     no grasp can one hold

Fate casts long shadows     what’s to unfold


Questions have answers     Answers obscure

What is the point     must we demure

One truths eternal     one truths for sure

To live this life     one must endure


I have no relief     for the burdens one bears

I only have thoughts     that don’t always square

To have grand illusions     about what’s up there

Oh Insignificance One     why should I care